Completed projects

Reference Projects of the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia


Digital Generations – Promoting Digital Creativity among Older Adults

Project Duration: November 1, 2021 – April 30, 2024
Program: Erasmus+
Lead Partner: Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia, d.o.o.
Partner Countries: Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia

Through the project, led by the Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia, tools will be developed to encourage digital creativity among older adults. The project partner is also the Municipality of Kamnik. Young people (ages 18 to 30) will be trained to work with older adults, helping them improve their creativity, express themselves more easily, share their knowledge, and communicate with others through digital tools.

The project goals are: to investigate the effects of social isolation among older citizens and identify best practices for promoting creativity through digital tools; to research and select intergenerational best practices; to research and choose digital tools useful for creative expression; to develop a methodology for intergenerational training and mentoring in the field of digital creative processes for older adults and train selected young people in two foreign education sessions; to promote social inclusion and strengthen the mental health of older adults; to encourage creativity and active aging; and to prepare guidelines for other municipalities and key organizations for implementing such programs at the local, regional, and national levels.

A part of the “Digital Generations” project will also involve the testing (pilot) of the developed training and mentoring method. Each partner will involve two young people and two older adults (over 65 years old) from their local community, who will express their creativity through digital tools and share it with others. In each country, two larger events will be held for the target group and the general public, where the project results will be presented. Awareness will be raised about the importance of using digital technologies for communication among older adults and promoting creativity. The Municipality of Kamnik will be involved in all project activities and the implementation of the pilot, which will enrich the intergenerational activities in the area.


Project website:

RE-CONNECT – Local mindset and behaviour development for competitive community-based tourism by increasing digital and green competences of tourism labour force in offbeat destinations

Project duration: 1. 11. 2021 – 31. 10. 2023
Programme: Erasmus+
Lead partner: KDRIÜ – Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, Madžarska
Partner countries: Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania  and Slovenia

Due to its economic and employment potential and its important social and environmental impacts, the tourism sector has an important and growing role to play in the EU’s economic performance. Also due to the changed situation in the tourist markets, some new directions have emerged recently. In parallel with the growing role of short domestic trips, off-beat tourism destinations have also become more important compared to mass tourism destinations. Among the wide range of destinations in European countries, those located in more hidden, rural areas are playing an increasing role. These have huge potential for the development of various types of tourism, such as agritourism, ecotourism, geotourism and rural tourism, which are a good basis for the development of local communities and the environment, while supporting climate-neutral tourism.

According to the preliminary analysis carried out in the preparation phase of the RE-CONNECT project, tourism hosts, contractors and providers and their support organizations do not have the appropriate competencies and skills to develop and upgrade their offer according to the circular economy in tourism.

In order to successfully meet these challenges, the RE-CONNECT project aims to accelerate the development of competencies of tourism staff in remote tourist destinations by implementing a greener and more digital approach and ensuring sustainable tourism in line with the circular tourism approach. The aim of the project is to spread green and digital solutions in off-beat tourism destinations, promote economic potential in rural areas, develop competitive tourism and increase digital and sustainable competencies of tourism staff in rural areas.

As part of the project, a circular tourism collaborative hub will be developed for local tourism staff to share their experiences, challenges and best work practices in a common network. With a wide range of trainings for tourism hosts, contractors, providers and their support organizations, the project will stimulate economic potential in rural areasencourage the development of competitive tourism and increase digital and sustainable competencies of rural tourism staff.

Project website: RE-CONNECT

EU_SHAFE – Europe enabling Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments

Project duration: Phase 1: 01. 08. 2019 – 31. 01. 2022, Phase 2: 01. 02. 2022 – 31. 01. 2023, extended until 31. 7. 2023
Programme: Interreg Europe
Name of the lead partner organization: Provincial Council of Bizkaia
Partner Countries: Denmark , Ireland, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain

According to World Health Organization (WHO) “making cities and communities age-friendly is one of the most effective local policy approaches for responding to demographic change”. However, regional initiatives still lack alignment between absolutely complementary policy areas such as health, social affairs, territorial sustainable development, employment and wellbeing. This approach restrains the creation, availability and large-scale adoption of age-friendly solutions across Europe. Known is also the gap between technological developments and end-users real needs and expectations. Therefore, policy alignment, collaborative efforts and sharing of good practices will be keystones to add better quality of life, more inclusive and sustainable health and social care systems and citizen’s access to the services.

The EU_SHAFE project will improve policies and practices in 7 European regions by developing a comprehensive approach to Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). Through a ‘learning by sharing’ methodology, this robust multi-disciplinary and intersectoral consortium will build a four-helix European community to exchange experiences and practices to improve multilevel policy instruments. The consortium will create a cooperative, inclusive ecosystem between public authorities, European networks and user’s associations, embedding their experience and skills with research & design knowledge from academia and SMEs for the growth of community-based services and “ageing at home” around Europe.

EU_SHAFE will Invest in policy design and adaptation of regional instruments derived from ETCF (R&I priorities) and ESF (Social Inclusion), through the creation of a large Euro-local network of stakeholders that will work together in ecosystems towards a common model – a White Paper on SHAFE.

Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia as a partner of the project would like to improve innovation delivery policies on local level also within community-led local development (CLLD) funds and through LAG »Heart of Slovenia« changing the policy instrument in the way that projects concerning research and innovation in homecare will have more chances to get funded. With collected lessons learned from regions it will start addressing these major challenges faster.

Project website: EU_SHAFE | Interreg Europe

TRINNO – Business ecosystem for TRadition and INNOvation

Project duration: first phase: 1. 4. 2016 – 31. 3. 2019, second phase: 1. 4. 2019 – 31. 3. 2021 and additional activites (Covid-19 call): 1. 10. 2021 – 30. 9. 2022
Programme: Interreg Europe
Lead partner: Arezzo Innovazione (Italy)
Partner countries: Italy, Hungary, Ireland, Spain

The overall objective of TRINNO project is to promote competitiveness in EU regions through improving policy instruments for business support systems that focus on applying digital innovation in the local economy.

Partners note the need for a dynamic business support system, helping enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs to apply benefits of digital innovation (digital manufacturing, Internet of things, big data, etc) to traditional sectors. Changes are expected to policy instruments (ERDF ROP, measures for SME competitiveness) and, in turn, to local business support systems. Partners exchange Good Practices (GP) to improve projects financed by the policies and provide input to possible management improvements.

They will achieve this with an interregional learning approach starting from 2 good practices (Barcelona business support ecosystem / Tuscan measures to promote innovation in traditional manufacturing) and integrating them with experiences from other partners.

Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia is responsible partner for Communication and Dissemination in the project.

5th call of the Interreg Europe program (COVID Call – additional activities): Activities are carried out from 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2022.

In the additional year of activities, we will actively promote the improvement of digitalization and innovation of craftsmen. As part of the project activities, we will also present the Slovenian voucher scheme to international partners in more detail, which is now recognized as a good project practice from which others can learn. A regional analysis of existing good practices and how they respond to the Covid-19 crisis will be prepared and new good practices will be presented. Study visits between partners will be organized to transfer good practices from other regions.

Project website:  TRINNO | Interreg Europe

Facebook page:
Twitter account:

P-IRIS – Policies to improve rural areas’ innovation systems by professionalising networking activities and use of innovation tools

Project duration: first phase: 1. 1. 2017 – 30. 6. 2019, second phase: 1. 7. 2019 – 30. 6. 2021
Programme: Interreg Europe
Lead partner: Sogn og Fjordane County Municipality (Norveška)
Partner countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Finland, Spain, Italy, Norway

Young people are leaving rural areas because they do not find jobs answering their professional aspirations. There is therefore a need to boost innovation in these areas in order to develop knowledge-based or creative businesses, offering attractive jobs for welleducated and creative young people. The partners have identified that triple helix (3H) or quadruple helix (4H) cooperation is important to boost innovation in rural areas. Management of innovation tools must not copy lessons and solutions from metropolitan areas but be adapted to the specific features of rural innovation systems, which are characterised by asymmetric relations and uneven resources between public, R&D and SMEs actors, and by shortage of scientific disciplines.

The overall objective of PIRIS is to improve policies related to 3H / 4H cooperation in rural innovation systems. We want to increase the number of SMEs in innovative networks and the number of innovation projects including R&D. It is also an ambition to improve the skills of public authorities & support systems as managers and mentors of 3H or 4H networks, and the use of related innovation tools. A 3step interregional learning process will be applied: 1) Mapping challenges & opportunities of managing 3H or 4H cooperation in rural innovation systems. 2) Exchange experience in thematic seminars and demonstrate potential good practice in study visits. 3) Prepare regional action plans. Six policy instruments will be improved in terms of governance measures and new projects. The implementation of improved policy instruments are envisaged to improve the innovation readiness in rural areas by increasing the number of SMEs cooperating with R&D institutions and authorities, and raising the share of businesses based on advanced knowledge or creative skills increasing green growth and ecoinnovation.

Project website:  P-IRIS | Interreg Europe

HoCare – Delivery of Innovative solutions for Home Care by strengthening quadruplehelix cooperation in regional innovation chains

Project duration: first phase: 1. 4. 2016 – 31. 3. 2018, second phase: 1. 4. 2018 – 31. 3. 2020 and  additional activites (Covid-19 call): 1. 10. 2021 – 30. 9 .2022
Programme: Interreg Europe
Lead partner: Nicosia Development Agency (Cyprus)
Partner countries: Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Portugal, Czech Republic

Aging of the population is challenge for all EU regions. But it means in the same time also an opportunity for growth and jobs as there is created great potential to deliver innovative solution for Home Care. Common challenge in all HoCare regions is unlocked potential to delivery innovation it this field. 8 partners coming from different EU regions decided to join forces and form HoCare project to address these challenges.

Objective of HoCare project is thus to boost delivery of Home Care innovative solutions in regional innovation chains by strengthening of cooperation of actors in regional innovation system using Quadruplehelix approach and the aim is to do it by improvement of relevant Structural Funds thanks to the international policy learning. These improvements are planned to be at strategical level (by governance improvement) as well as practical ones (by support of high quality projects).

Project HoCare has additionally three thematic sub-objectives related to the natural generation of innovation for Home Care in regional innovation chains. The first sub-objective is to focus on generation of innovation through addressing unmet needs identified by stakeholder groups in quadruplehelix model means by formal carers (i.e. hospitals, social houses, elderly houses) and informal carers (i.e. family members). The second sub-objective is to focus on generation of innovation through public driven innovation processes. The third sub-objective is to bring innovative Home Care solutions quicker to the market by using, again, quadruplehelix approach.

The results will be achieved mainly thanks to 4 dimensional international policy learning processes. Initial content for it will be created by partners during Regional analysis, further investigated during 3 International Thematic Workshops. It will formulate 30 transferable Good practices and enable formulation of high-level outputs: 3 HoCare Policy Thematic reports and 3 HoCare Policy Transfer Reports. Collected knowledge will enable project to contribute to EU external policy learning by organizing 2 international and 8 National High-Level Policy Learning events. Local partners will be working closely with local Structural Funds policy to multiple stakeholders of different types of organizations.

Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia is responsible partner for Communication and Dissemination in the project.

5th call of the Interreg Europe program (COVID Call – additional activities): Activities are carried out from 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2022

The goal is to improve the structure of policy management in the field of home care through the transfer of good (ICT) practices from abroad to Slovenia. We will also advocate for the application of new projects in the field of home care to the next LAS tender.
Regional analysis and good practices in the field of ICT services for home care will be prepared. The additional year of the HoCare project ended with a seminar and workshop in Bucharest. Countries are responding to changes and adapting their policies. The experience and good practices of other countries can significantly contribute to the establishment of an effective system that will enable the elderly to live a better quality of life at home. The Heart of Slovenia development center will actively involve the Ministry of Health in the project.

Project webiste:  HoCare | Interreg Europe


Project: D-STIR – Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration
Project duration: 
1. 1. 2017 – 30. 6. 2019
Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Lead partner: 
South-East Regional Development Agency (Romania)
Partner countries: 
Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Chech Republic, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project description: The aim of the “D-STIR” project was to improve the conditions for the development of innovation in the Danube countries by integrating responsible research and innovation (RRI) into the entire innovation chain. The project developed an RDI strategy for the Danube area, which includes recommendations and concrete tools – especially the STIR method (Socio-Technical Intergation Research). As part of the project, the US-awarded STIR method was presented and tested in pilot areas. One pilot was conducted in an academic environment, and the other pilot, where our area was also involved, in an entrepreneurial environment.

Project: CityWalk – Towards Energy Responsible Places: Establishing Walkable Cities In The Danube Region
Project duration: 
1. 12. 2016 – 31. 5. 2019
Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Lead partner: 
Scientific Research centre Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia)
Partner countries: 
Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
Project description: The CityWalk project has helped reduce emissions and noise and created a safer place to live, through the enhanced role of sustainable forms of mobility, especially active modes of transport – walking and cycling in partner cities. The main purpose of the project was to improve key walking conditions. The result of the project is improved urban mobility with reduced emissions, noise levels and congestion, increased safety and also a contribution to the health of the population. Although the project focused on walking, the project also addressed the challenge of an integrated approach – improving urban mobility through the effective combination of different modes of transport. To this end, the partnership developed a common tool comprising guidelines, an index and an online walking tool, developed 8 walking plans, carried out 8 pilot actions, including in Kamnik as a test area, and developed and presented policy proposals for sustainable mobility.

Project: INSiGHTS – Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies
Project duration: 
1. 1. 2017 – 30. 6. 2019
 Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Lead partner: 
Pons Danubii European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (Slovakia)
Partner countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
Project description: The project promoted the sustainable use of natural resources and cultural heritage with the aim of developing sustainable and green tourism, which contributed to a more attractive image of the included destinations. The project was especially relevant for the Heart of Slovenia in the field of tourism development and work with individual tourism providers. The project activities were carried out in the municipalities of Litija and Šmartno pri Litiji, which in 2016 joined the national call of the Slovenian Tourist Board for the promotion of sustainable business in tourism as a joint destination.

 EUth – Tools and Tips for Mobile and Digital Youth Participation in and across Europe
Project duration: 
1. 3. 2015 – 28. 2. 2018
 Horizon 2020
Lead partner: 
NEXUS Institute, Berlin (Germany)
Partner countries: 
Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Italy
Project description: The aim of the project was to get more young people involved in political decision-making and increase youth trust in European political institutions. Eleven project partners from eight different countries developed an open and easy-to-use online participation platform “OPIN” along with different mobile tools and apps for smartphones and tablets. This way, young people got involved whenever and wherever they wish with minimum effort. The platform is used by youth organisations and administrations all over Europe.

Project: SEEDs among NEETs – Spreading Entrepreneurship and Economic Development among NEETs 
Project duration: 
1. 8. 2016 – 31. 1. 2018
Lead partner: 
Vyara Foundation, Tryavna (Bolgarija)
Partner countries: 
Bolgarija, Romunija, Malta, Portugalska, Latvija
Project description: 
The project intended to provide opportunities for youth workers from 6 European countries to share and learn from each other’s experience and settings in a non-formal way.

ProjectSTEER – Supporting the transition from Education to Employment of Youth at risk 
Project duration: 1. 6. 2016 – 31. 1. 2018
Programme: Erasmus+
Lead partner: Innovade Li (Cyprus)
Partner countries: Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria, Italy
Project description: The project developed and tested comprehensive training programme for youth workers in transition planning. Trained youth workers utilized their training to support the transition from education to employment for NEETs and unemployed youth.

Project: EDEN55plusNW – Developing the network of tourism products for seniors – building a cooperation along the tourism value chain for EDEN destinations in partner countries for more competitive and sustainable growth
Project duration: 
1. 3. 2016 – 31. 7. 2017
Lead partner: 
Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia
Partner countries: 
Italy, Avstria, Croatia
Project describtion:
 The project EDEN55plusNW aimed to upgrade the excellent networking concept of small, diverse, rural EDEN destinations in EU countries. All analysed EDEN destinations wished to extend the short tourism season. Our fundamental argument was that tourism providers in EDEN destinations are paying too little attention to the target group of seniors aged 55+.

Project: LAGs4EU – Local Action Groups for better EU Communities
Project duration: 1. 1. 2013 – 30. 6. 2015
Programme: Europe for Citizens
Lead partner: Local action group Middle Istria, Croatia
Partner countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia in Herzegovina, Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Project description: The aim of the project was to enhance the citizens’ participation in the development and implementation of the activities organized by local action groups in the European Union. The specific objectives of the project were to enhance the knowledge and skills of representatives of local decision-makers and the LAG in the implementation of development actions and strengthen the exchange of knowledge between LAGs in the area of stakeholder engagement and the promotion of volunteering in local development.

 WIDER – Green Growing of SMEs
Project duration / Year of implementation: 01. 01. 2013 – 30. 6. 2015
Programme: MED
Lead partner: SVIM, Ancona, Italy
Partner countries: Italy, France, Špain, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia and Bosnia and Hercegovina
Project description: The main objective of WIDER is to contribute to the identification and strenghtening of innovation capaticies, knowledge management and networking of the Mediterranean SMEs in order to improve the position of new products of small and medium-sized companies, all along the supply chain of eco smart nhousing for active and independent living of the ageing generation, in seven regional industrial Mediterranean areas. Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia through the project supported the development of model “Silver House”, which offers solutions for quality living of older people in Slovenia.

Project: REMIDA – smaRt Energy chains and coMmunities in the meD Area

Project duration / Year of implementation: 01. 03. 2013 – 31. 05. 2015
Programme: MED
Lead partner: Province of Gorizia
Partner countries: Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
Project description: REMIDA aims at developing new EE and RES solutions in Mediterranean cities, through the strengthening of the local energy policy and strategy and the promotion of a smart management of energy supply and demand. The municipality of Šentrupert (project partner) through the project developed a model for district heating (ADE) using wood biomass for the town Šentrupert.

Project: PolySump

Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 5. 2012 – 31. 11. 2014
IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe
Lead partner: 
Marche Region, Italy
Partner countries: Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Austria, France and Slovenia
Project description: The POLY-SUMP Project aims to direct itself towards reducing the impacts of expanding cities and the use of personal vehicles in these areas in order to develop a new approach to “planning polycentric mobility”, with which the needs for transportation and personal vehicle use would be reduced and, at the same time, personal vehicle transportation would become less attractive or at least energetically less wasteful. It is of utmost importance that urban mobility plans are not made separately for each city in those regions where cities are diffuse, but for the entire area by integrating planners, decision-makers and relevant stakeholders into the process from the very beginning.

Project: Rits-Net

Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner: 
Marche Region, Italy
Partner countries: Italy, Ireland, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia
Project description: The goal of the project is to improve regional transport policies with the help of new knowledge and awareness of all the potentials that intelligent transport systems have. The final goal of the product is to implement regional plans from the field of intelligent transport systems.

Project: IN-EUR
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner:
 Regional Development Agency of Southeast Region, Romania
Partner countries: Malta, Germany, Italy, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Romania
Project description: The goals of the project are to do regional reports on indicators and management of innovativeness, to create methodology for measuring local innovativeness, to create implementation plans for the field of innovativeness at the partner region level and to establish regional group of stakeholders, which will play a central role in implementing the aforementioned activities.

Project: INN.O.V.Age
Project duration / Year of implementation:
 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner:
 Marche Region, Ancona, Italy
Partner countries: Italy, Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece
Project description: In Slovenia the number of elderly people living in their own homes instead of going into elderly care homes is increasing. For this reason we have decided to participate as a partner in the project INN.O.V.Age and obtain knowledge and good practices from international partners about how modern information and communications technologies help to improve and prolong life of the elderly at home.

Project: LOCFOOD
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner: 
Nordland County Council, Norway
Partner countries: Malta, Germany, Italy, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Romania
Project description: The Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia participates as a partner in the LOCFOOD project as it wishes to establish an even closer contact with national policy-makers so that they would provide money for advertising as well as create tenders for the field, which would be intended for entrepreneurs and farmers as a way of encouragement and help in spreading the activities in this field.

Project: DANTE
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner:
 Province of Turin, Italy
Partner countries: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Spain
Project description: The DANTE project (Digital Agenda for New Tourism Approach in European Rural and Mountain Areas) was approved under the Interreg IVC programme. Two Slovenian partners participate in the implementation of the project, namely the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics. Other participating partners come from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain. The leading partner of the project is the Turin Province of Italy.

Project: YOUNG SME’S
Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner:
 INCYDE Fundation, Madrid, Spain
Partner countries: Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Greece, Malta
Project description: The project presents an opportunity to improve consultancy services of VEM points and thus also the support environment of our enterprises. Education courses for entrepreneurial consultants will be carried out at seminars abroad and two selected examples of good practice will be implemented.

Project: FaRInn – Promoting responsible innovation in the countries of South East Europe
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 10. 2012 – 30. 9. 2014
SEE – South East Europe
Lead partner: 
Innovation and Economic Development Centre, Forli’, Italy
Partner countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania
Project description: The FaRInn Project was approved within the SEE – South East Europe Programme. The Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia was the only Slovenian partner participating in this project. The role of the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia in this project was to manage communication for the entire partnership (activities include communications strategy, designing a website, organising promotional events, preparing publications and other materials).

Project: CCC – Cultural Capital Counts
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 4. 2011 – 1. 4. 2014
Central Europe
Lead partner:
 Steirisches Vulkanland – Association for the Advancement of Steirisches Vulkanland, Austria
Partner countries: Italy, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland
Project description: The main goal of the project was to recognise, evaluate and exploit cultural resources of a certain area (The Heart of Slovenia), particularly intangible cultural heritage (such as tradition, folk knowledge, skills, manufacturing techniques of craft products), to strengthen and enhance regional identity and quality of life as well as to increase attraction and competitiveness of the participating regions in the project.

Project: Local Products
Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 3. 2012 – 28. 2. 2013
Slovene-Swiss programme of cooperation for the reduction of economic and social differences in the enlarged European Union, Swiss Contribution
Lead partner: 
Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia
Partner countries: Slovenia, Switzerland
Project description: Local sustainable self-sufficiency has been and still is an important topic for Slovenia as well as for Switzerland as it has potential for numerous sustainable opportunities. In the future, self-sufficiency in food, water, energy and people will become ever more important, which people in the area of the Heart of Slovenia as well as in the area of our Swiss partner organisation are well aware of. In the Local Products project, the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia collaborated with the organisation Alpinavera from Switzerland.

Project: AcTour
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1. 10. 2011 – 28. 3. 2013
Programme: Lifelong Learning – Leonardo da Vinci
Lead partner: 
Infocenter EOOD, Bulgaria
Partner countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia
Project description: The goal of the AcTour project “Active Tourism for Sustainable Development” was to introduce active tourism as a new professional activity in rural areas with the help of vocational training. A special emphasis has been placed on green tourism, where the main target were groups of seniors and people with special needs as well as entrepreneurs in the countryside (restaurant and family hotel owners, mountain guides, sports instructors, heritage interpreters, etc.).

Project: ARGE Competition

Project duration / Year of implementation: 2012
 European Association for Rural Development and Village Renewal (ARGE), through the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
Project description: The Development Centre Litija prepared an application for the Local Community Polšnik to the European competition ARGE for village renewal. 29 villages from 12 countries participated in the competition, Polšnik being the only participant from Slovenia. The Local Community Polšnik received the special achievement recognition award in several fields of village development with an argument that the village encourages its residents to seek entrepreneurial opportunities. The award ceremony was held on 21 September 2012 in the village Langenegg in Austria.

Project: Photography Competition “Images of Rural Europe”
Project duration / Year of implementation: 2012
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)
Project description: LAG The Heart of Slovenia participated in the international competition “Images of Rural Europe”, intended for professional and amateur photographers. The Heart of Slovenia applied several photographs of Matej Povše, one of which was awarded in the category “The Spirit of Leader”. It was the only awarded photograph from Slovenia.

Project: Cyclo
Project duration / Year of implementation: 2010 – 2012
Programme: MED
Lead partner: 
Comune di Chiaravalle (Italy)
Partner countries: 3 partners from Italy and Greece and 1 from Cyprus, Spain, Portugal and Slovenia
Project description: The Cyclo project was supported by the Transnational Cooperation Programme – Mediterranean. Partners promoted the use of bicycle as a means of transport in everyday life in big and small-size towns as well as development of cycling tourism. The Manual for the preparation of cycling development plan in local communities was prepared for all the municipalities of the Heart of Slovenia, and several education as well as promotional activities were carried out. With the help of local actors from the cycling field we published a cycling guide titled Cycling in the Heart of Slovenia, consisting of 32 cycle routes. 

Project: Aktos
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2010 – 2012
Programme: LLL – Leonardo da Vinci
Lead partner: Ceder Valle del Ese-Entrecabos (Spain)
Partner countries: 4 partners from Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Sweden
Project description: The main contribution of the Aktos project, which was implemented within the scope of Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci, is in the transfer of good practices of vocational training in the countryside, encouragement of traditional vocations, promotion of new job positions and interconnection of education institutions in the area of the Heart of Slovenia. In addition to other activities, we carried out attention-grabbing trainings with teachers on the topic of employment possibilities in the countryside of the Heart of Slovenia.

Project: CO2 NeuTrAlp
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2008 – 2012
Programme: Alpine Space
Lead partner: B.A.U.M Consult (Germany)
Partner countries: 15 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia
Project description: The key emphases of the project were »green« technologies, innovation networks, renewable energy, and urban-rural partnership. Pilot activities were carried out in the part of the area of the Heart of Slovenia (Litija, Kamnik, Domžale, Dol pri Ljubljani) which faces topical issue in the field of traffic, particularly the one with a high level of daily migration to Ljubljana by private vehicles, low level of ecological and traffic awareness of local communities as well as broader public, and absence of a long-term planning strategy of sustainable mobility in the area. The concept of mobility for daily migrants to Ljubljana was created as well as the concept of traffic regulation by Kamniška Bistrica and collective schedule for public passenger traffic, the website was set up, etc. The project was supported by the transnational cooperation programme within the Alpine area.

Project: Rise of Competencies of Professional Teams of Municipalities and Regional Institution of the Northeastern Region in Macedonia
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2011 – 2012
Lead partner: Development Centre Litija
Programme: Bilateral International Development Assistance by the Republic of Slovenia to assist developing countries 
Partner: Development Agency of the Northeastern Region (Macedonia)
Project description: This project represented a continuation of the project »Knowledge Transfer to Macedonia«, which was implemented in 2009 and 2010. Together with Development Agency of the Northeastern Region, the RCL defined the key needs of the partner region from Macedonia, which were the basis for activities of this project. With this project, we additionally raised qualification of professional teams of the municipalities of the Northeastern region and the Development Centre of the Northeastern Planning Region in the field of content and financial management of projects, administrative leadership of projects, drawing on the European funds from different European programmes, and preparation of projects, and collective registration of projects. The project was obtained from the tender of Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (SVLR).

Project: Listen to the Voice of Villages
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2009 – 2011
Programme: Central Europe
Lead partner: The Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
Partner countries: 8 partners from Slovenia, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Germany
Project description: Within the scope of the project, we were developing activities for sustainable development of tourism on the Velika planina pasture, in Dole pri Litiji and Jablaniška dolina. These are the areas where tourist activity is not yet developed, but potential exists, and there are areas where tourism is developed but various obstacles exist for its sustainable development. The trademark “Vital Villages Association” was created, which includes all the pilot areas of partners in the project. The main contribution of the project are the implemented activity compounds by interconnecting local stakeholders, which will in the future enable a better competitiveness of these areas in the field of tourism. The project was implemented within the transnational programme Central Europe.

Project: Benefits of the European Union Enlargement for Regional Development
Year of implementation: 
Programme: Europe for Citizens
Leading partner: Development Centre Litija
Partner: Development Agency of the Northeastern Region (Macedonia)
Project description: The Development Centre Litija presented to the project partner Development Agency of the Northeastern Region from Macedonia the benefits which membership in the EU may bring, such as the free flow of products, capital, and people. We have achieved that by presenting the projects of good practices, which are (were) co-financed by different programmes in the EU. We will organize two presentation visits of Macedonian partners in Slovenia, and one visit of Slovenian partners in Macedonia. The project was approved in the programme Europe for Citizens, support measure titled “Benefits of the European Union Enlargement for Regional Development”.

Project: Knowledge Transfer to Macedonia
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Programme: Bilateral International Development Assistance by the Republic of Slovenia to assist developing countries
Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (SVLR)
Lead partner: Development Centre Litija
Partners: Regional Agency of Northeastern Region and Regional Agency of the Southwestern Region (Macedonia)
Project description: The project was approved by the SVLR for a bilateral exchange of knowledge and good practices between Slovenia and Macedonia. The purpose of cooperation was to set up a structure of regional development in two Macedonian regions, which were partners of the project, such as the Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia in our case.

Project: RegioMarket – Optimising Regional Marketing and Networking for a Collective Marketing Strategy and Trademarks in the Alpine Area
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2006 – 2008
Programme: Interreg IIIB Alpine Space
Lead partner: LUBW (Germany)
Partner countries: 17 partners from Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Liechtenstein; EKOmeter Institute, Jarina Cooperative, Municipality of Litija
Project description: The RCL cooperated in the project as one of the 17 European partners. The main achievement of the project is creation of a new collective regional trademark “The Heart of Slovenia”, regional SWOT analysis for three sectors (food, renewable energy, tourism), collective promotional materials (leaflet Welcome to The Heart of Slovenia, website, new tourism programmes) and guidelines – the marketing concept of the trademark The Heart of Slovenia.


Project: Consortium of kindergartens and schools of the Heart of Slovenia
Project duration: 2012 – 2020
Project manager: Development Center of the Heart od Slovenia
 Municipalities of the Heart of Slovenia
Project description: Development Center of the Heart od Slovenia cooperated with 15 educational institutions from the Heart of Slovenia in order to raise the creative potential of young people, strengthen ties with the local environment and strengthen the role of the individual in the environment and life in the Heart of Slovenia. He conducted more than 50 workshops for the participating kindergartens and schools on the topics of entrepreneurship, handicrafts, local self-sufficiency, forest pedagogy, tourism, etc.

Projekt: Consorcium ZORA
Project duration: 2012 – 2020
Project manager: 
Development Centerof the Heart od Slovenia
Project description: 
At the initiative of the Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia an association of regional development agencies of Slovenia – ZORA was established in 2012, which included 16 regional development agencies operating in Slovenia.The purpose of the association was to exchange experiences in the implementation of development tasks at the subregional level, joint action in the field of regional development partnerships, advocating for strengthening the position of regional development agencies and regional development partnerships and cooperation in promoting changes in existing legislation in the field of regional development programs.

Project: From traditional skills to nowadays rural tourism products

Project duration / Year of implementation: September 2019 – February 2022 (still in progress)
Programme: CLLD, Public call for LAGs’ cooperation projects (ERNDF)
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia), LAS Aizkraukle (Latvia), LAS Stowarzyszenie Lokalna Grupa Dzialania Ziemla Bielska (Poland), LAS Lunca Prutului de Jos (Moldavija), LAS Kazbegi (Georgia), LAS Campidano (Italy)
Project describtion: The aim of the project was to promote a development of handicraft skills, handmade products and small rural companies in the area of the Heart of Slovenia and connect sustainable regional entrepreneurs with tourist offer. The expert participated in the exchange of good practices between partners from different European regions, conducted workshops and trainings for locals, connected local producers in the networks, carried out a quality assessment of the local products and established connection with a local tourist agency to promote tourist programmes

Project: Open doors of the farms
Project duration / Year of implementation: November 2017 – November 2020
Programme: CLLD, Public call for LAGs’ cooperation projects (ERNDF)
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia), LAS Loškega pogorja, LAS s CILJem, LAS Gorenjska košarica
Project describtion: Through sample pilot farms, the partner LAGs promoted the production, processing and consumption of hay milk and the production and processing of berries and other fruit. In this way, the traditional areas of agricultural products have regained the value they have enjoyed in the past. Great emphasis was placed on raising the awareness of various target groups of consumers through various communication channels, including through direct experiences on the farms themselves. In the area of ​​the Heart of Slovenia, concrete programs of experiential learning and mentoring were formed on two farms and in the fruit association, and promotional films were also made.

Projekt: Integral tourist product of herbal heritage

Project duration / Year of implementation: July 2017 – November 2019
Programme: CLLD, Public call for LAGs’ cooperation projects ( ERNDF)
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia), LAS raznolikost podeželja, LAS V objemu sonca, LAS Zgornje Savinjske in Šaleške doline, LAS Spodnje Savinjske doline, LAS Od Pohorja do Bohorja
Project describtion: The main topics of the project was to discover how to turn herbalism into a development opportunity. For the group of 20 locals interested in herbalism in depth professional training was organised, including the possibility of obtaining a national professional qualification of herbalists. Also the certification of selected herbs was made, and established an online platform “e-herbarium”. Two major herbal events were organised, the concept fortwo herbal gardens and integrated tourist product of the herbal heritage of the Heart of Slovenia.
Project: Water stories of Kamnik-Savinja Alps
Project duration / Year of implementation: July 2017 – December 2019
Programme: CLLD, Public call for LAGs’ cooperation projects (ERNDF)
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia), LAS Gorenjska košarica, LAS Zgornje Savinjske in Šaleške doline
Project describtion: The area in the east Slovenian Alps is very reach with water resources, which is very important for the life of locals and also a great opportunity for tourism. The water resources are main point of the tourism development in the mountain parts of the Heart of Slovenia. Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia cooperated in the project in the final implementation phase where the workshops and training for locals, tourist guides and tourist providers were implemented. A brochure about Kamnik–Savinja Alps and tourism programme »Water trail in Kamniška Bistrica« was prepared.

Project: Promotion of a tourist destination of the Heart of Slovenia in 2017
Project duration / Year of implementation: October 2017 – June 2019
Programme: CLLD, LAG Heart od Slovenia
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia)
Project describtion: The aim of the project was to promote huge and small tourist providers and locations in the Heart of Slovenia. A promotional campaign »Open Doors Weekends«, in which various providers were connected, was carried out. The goal was to bring the tourist offer closer to the residents and visitors of the Heart of Slovenia. Also a quality assessment of the local products under the special label “heart of quality” was carried out. Four sales points for local products were established. A meeting of tourist providers from the Heart of Slovenia area was organised and  a new promotional video for the destination Heart of Slovenia prepared.

Project: Consortium of handicraft centers of Slovenia
Project duration: 
June 2014 – September 2018
Development Center of the Heart od Slovenia
CDUO Slovenska Bistrica, Craftsmen’s Association – Moravče Handicraft Center, Idrija Lacemaking School, Slovenj Gradec Entrepreneurship Center d.o.o., DUO Škofja Loka Handicraft Center, Ribnica Handicraft Center, Marianum Veržej Institute – DUO Center, Rogatec Institute for Culture, Tourism and Development
Project description: 
The Consortium of handicraft centers of Slovenia was established on the initiative of the Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia, which also led it in the first period 2014-2018. The basic purpose of the cooperation was to create the legal basis for the status of craftsmen in Slovenia. Through activities it encouraged the higher quality of handicrafts, wider promotion and the transfer of knowledge to younger generations, not only in his own Network of Craftsmen of the Heart of Slovenia, but also in the wider Slovenian environment.

Project: Stories of hands and places
Project duration / Year of implementation: July 2017 – December 2018
Programme: CLLD, LAGs’ cooperation projects (ERNDF)
Partners: LAG Heart of Slovenia (lead partner Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia), LAS Dobro za nas, LAS Dolenjska in Bela krajina, LAS Zasavje, LAS Med Snežnikom in Nanosom, LAS Po poteh dediščine od Turjaka do Kolpe, LAS STIK, LAS Prlekija, LAS Notranjska, LAS S CILjem, LAS Mežiške doline
Project describtion: The project helped to preserve and develop handicrafts in Slovenia. At the national level, systematic registration of artisans took place, and various trainings were held to upgrade the quality of their products, especially from the point of view of design, promotion and marketing. With the newly acquired knowledge and information, crafstmen have improved their products and thus increased the possibility of more successful market entrance. The great value of the project was also in connecting and cooperating craftsmen from participating local action groups and their joint appearance on the market, the website and the brochure Stories of Hands and Places were created.

Health-friendly working environment for healthy, active and motivated office workers
Project duration: September 2015 – October 2016
Programme: Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia – Public tender for co-financing of projects to promote health in the workplace in 2015 and 2016
Lead partner: Development agency Savinja GIZ
Partners: Association of Municipalities of Slovenia, Association of Regional Development Agencies Regional Development Agency GIZ, the Association of regional development agencies Slovenia ZORA – under the auspices of the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia
Project description: The project dealt with the question of what activities employers and employees in the office should do to be active, more motivated and take greater responsibility for enhancing their health. This will lead to less absent due to illness, consequently the productivity will be higher and costs of treatment lower.

Project: Tourism promotion in the Heart of Slovenia
Project duration: 
January 2015 – December 2015
LAG The Heart of Slovenia, LEADER
Lead partner: 
Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia
Partner municipalities: 
Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Lukovica, Kamnik
Opis projekta: 
Project upgraded tourist offer in destination of the Heart of Slovenia with digital promotion, organisation of the study tour for the tourist offerers, organisation of the promotion events in Arboretum Volčji Potok and municipalities Šmartno pri Litiji, Litija, Lukovica and Kamnik and also the upgrade of tourist programmes.

Project: Promotion of tourist destination The Heart of Slovenia

Year of implementation: 2014
Programme: European Regional Development Fund
Customer: Institute of Tourism and Sport in the Kamnik Municipality
Partners: Oglaševanje in svetovanje Ines Drame s. p., Creatim Ržišnik Perc tržne komunikacije d. o. o., RIS d. o. o. and SILT Tadeja Jere Lazanski s. p.
Project description: The purpose of the project “Promotion of tourist destination The Heart of Slovenia”, implemented by the Institute of Tourism and Sport in the Kamnik Municipality and the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia with partners, acting as a subcontractor, was to further develop the tourist destination The Heart of Slovenia.

Project: Active and adventure tourism in the Heart of Slovenia
Project duration: 
September 2013 – November 2014
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food
Partners: Javni zavod Bogenšperk; Šmartno pri Litiji, KUD Fran Maselj Podlimbarski, Lukovica; Terme Snovik -, Kamnik, d. o. o.; Kamnik; Linija Sport, Miloš Kimovec s. p., Vače
Project description: Within the framework of the project, the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia will interconnect five tourism providers from the Heart of Slovenia area and implement joint promotional events with the themes of active and adventure tourism. Promotional material will be created and published in the media. The improvement of tourism products (cycling, caravanning and special ways of accommodation) will contribute to a broader recognisability of the Heart of Slovenia and involvement of the locals as well as foreign guests in the aforementioned activities. With active operation of two tourism information centres, i.e. in Litija and Terme Snovik, further development and interconnecting of tourism providers of the Heart of Slovenia will be ensured. At the same time these two tourist points will present a beginning of a future network of tourism information centres of the Heart of Slovenia. In Lukovica a straw hat making collection will be reopened, and multi-day workshops will be carried out in the Bogenšperk Castle within the theme-based event “Valvasor’s graphic days”, as well as an exhibition with visiting artists.

Project: Micro TIC of the Heart of Slovenia

Project duration: October 2012 – Januar 2014
Customer: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food
Partner: Municipality of Litija
Project description: The project is intended for the establishment of new tourist information centre in Litija, which is in compliance with the guidelines and strategies of the tourism development in the area of the Heart of Slovenia. The room at the Valvasor market in the old town of Litija will be furnished adequately. The employee at the TIC will be financed. A public competition for the tourist monument will be carried out, new tourism programmes will be prepared and group tours will be carried out as well. The Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia will be in charge of informing the public about the activities in different media.

Project: Local Action Group (LAG) “The Heart of Slovenia” 2007 – 2013
Project duration: 2007 – 2013
Programme: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Customer: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Partners: Municipalities Dol pri Ljubljani, Kamnik, Litija, Lukovica, Moravče and Šmartno pri Litiji
Project description: LAG »The Heart of Slovenia« , with the help of EU funds LEADER for rural development, supported 83 local projects, individuals, associations and businesses and contributed to the preservation and upgrading of the rural potentials in the Heart of Slovenia area and the wider European Union.

Project: E-turist: Digital tourism guide for mobile phones
Project duration: 
1. 10. 2012 – 31. 8. 2013
Lead partner:
 Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica
Partners: Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, Jožef Stefan Institute, Municipality of Litija
Project description: In cooperation with the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia and the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, the Municipality of Litija developed an application for mobile phones, which offers the same experience as a qualified tourist guide. With this the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia offered a unified access to tourism information in the area of the Heart of Slovenia and in the area of the Slovenian Istria.

Project: Entrepreneurship in the Heart
Project duration: 
2012 – 2013
Lead partner: 
Litija Youth Centre
Partners: Kamnik Youth Incubator Institute, Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia
Project description: The situation in the entrepreneurial field was very unstimulating, especially among the young as they did not trust their knowledge and abilities, have been lacking concrete entrepreneurial experiences and fearing failure, which additionally slowed the development of innovative ideas. They have become passive and resigned themselves to the unstimulating situation. The project attempted to alleviate these challenges through the implementation of the programme which consisted of workshops, seminars, entrepreneurial round-table discussions and public presentations of entrepreneurial ideas.

Project: Development and promotion of brand The Heart of Slovenia
Year of implementation: 
Customer: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Project description: Within the project “Development and promotion of brand The Heart of Slovenia”, co-financed by LAG The Heart of Slovenia, the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia developed a new integral tourism product Caravanning in the Heart of Slovenia. By selecting and visiting candidates and stopovers and by defining technical and logistic possibilities to include the offer in the network of campsites and motorhome stopovers, a network of sites was established suitable to welcome a new tourism target group – caravanning enthusiasts. In cooperation with the company AA-press, 17 stopovers, campsites and motorhome service areas were established. A leaflet was published presenting providers of the network and other tourism providers of the area. Three promotional caravans in the Heart of Slovenia were carried out as well.

Project: Open Educational Environment in the Forest

Project duration: May 2011 – December 2012
 Courage Development Foundation
Project description: Open educational environment in the forest represented a new approach in preschool and school pedagogics which is based on experiential learning. Within the framework of the project, numerous workshops for children and teachers from kindergartens and primary schools werer carried out in the area of LAG The Heart of Slovenia. The purpose of the workshops was to help children and adults get acquainted with the forest and the meaning of spending free time there as well as with the sustainable forest treatment and preservation of natural heritage.

Project: Litija, the Town of Innovativeness
Project duration:
 2006 – 2011
Municipality of Litija
Project description: The purpose of the project was to connect and motivate innovative potentials within the local community in the field of education, entrepreneurship, tourism, media as well as civil society, and to identify specific development opportunities. The vision of the project was to develop an effective business model for a successful, innovative development of local communities.

Project: Tourism Development and Marketing Strategy of The Heart of Slovenia as a Tourist Destination for the Period 2011 – 2018 under the Trademark the Heart of Slovenia
Project duration:
 2010 – 2011
Individual municipalities of the Heart of Slovenia
Project description: The Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia wrote a Tourism Development and Marketing Strategy of The Heart of Slovenia as a Tourist Destination for the Period 2011 – 2018 under the Trademark the Heart of Slovenia. It contains key emphases for the development of this area within Slovenia as a tourist destination. It contains sub-visions, goals that we aim to meet, and priorities which are crucial for mutual tourism development of the Heart of Slovenia: interconnection, development of a collective (green) offer, sustainable tourism development, and marketing under a collective trademark. The strategy represents a basis for further operation of the Centre and other tourism agents in the tourist area in the future.

Project: Heartbeat of The Heart of Slovenia
Project duration:
 2010 – 2011
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food
Project description: In order to develop the trademark the Heart of Slovenia, a number of collective promotional activities were carried out for a better recognisability and belonging to the area. Three major presentations of the Heart of Slovenia were carried out on a national level, where local and regional co-creators from the field of tourism participated. A promotional leaflet about The Heart of Slovenia was also made. The project was co-financed by LAS The Heart of Slovenia.

Project: 90 Days of Cycling for the Green Record of Slovenia
Year of implementation: 
Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia
Partners: Radovan Skubic Hilarij, Slovenian Forestry Institute, Association of Ecological Movements of Slovenia, Slovenian Tourist Board, and GEOSS Society.
Project description: The Development Centre Litija collaborated in the project in the sense of technical support to the ultramarathon cyclist Hilarij, who cycled more than 25.000 kilometres in 90 days. We supported the project due to Hilarij’s efforts to raise the quality of living, which is the main direction of the trademark The Heart of Slovenia.

Project: Abraham’s Key of The Heart of Slovenia
Project duration:
 2009 – 2012
Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia
Partners: Jože Kos, Srečo Orsag, Željko Savič
Project description: This is a unique project, created as a personal initiative. The celebration of the 50th anniversary turned into an idea about interconnecting the local community, entrepreneurs, societies, emigrants, locals, and birthday men as well as their friends and relatives from different parts of Slovenia. As a technical support to the project, which has a distinct charitable attitude, we contributed to the rise of the quality of the trademark The Heart of Slovenia.

Project: Regional Junction of Non-Governmental Organizations “Heart Connects Me”
Project duration: 
2009 – 2010
The Association for the Development and Protection of GEOSS
Project description: In 2008, the Development Centre Litija prepared a project of horizontal junction of non-governmental organizations of the Central Slovenia region – Heart Connects Me, whose operator is the Association for the Development and Protection of GEOSS. The RCL offered preparation and implementation of the project as well as professional support and operative leadership. The junction of non-governmental organizations is intended for the support of the non-governmental sector, complimentary services for individual organizations (legal, accounting, programme consulting, IKT support) as well as sector empowerment (interconnecting and networking, mutual representation, strategic development…).

Project: Knocking on the Door of Heritage – The Second Phase of the Project Titled “Development of Heritage Points”
Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Partners: ICRO Institute, Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Trzin, Lukovica, Moravče, Kamnik, Komenda, Domžale
Project description: The purpose of the activity of the project’s second phase was to upgrade the already-formed network of heritage points with a set of additional points of natural and cultural heritage, and to develop support services (catering and accommodation capacities) as well as additional tourism offer. We added 20 new heritage points to the existing offer, and 3 large round areas – the Kamniška Bistrica valley, the Charcoal Land, the Velika Plannina pasture. Accommodations with tradition and catering offer with the stress on culinary specialities of the area were also added to the project. We developed 15 new tourism programmes with hints for trips and holidays. We also published a booklet “Tips for Adventurous Wanderings through the Heart of Slovenia” in Slovene and English languages. At the same time, we published a comprehensive publication with cultural and natural potentials of the Kamniška Bistrica valley as examples of individual round areas of the heritage, and made flyers for individual heritage points in English language. We also prepared the contents of boards which denote a theme-based network on the spot.

Project: Knocking on the Door of Heritage –  The Third Phase of the Project Titled “Implementation of Support Services for Tourism Development of the Entire Area”
Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Partners: ICRO Institute, Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Trzin, Lukovica, Moravče, Kamnik, Komenda, Domžale
Project description: In the third phase titled “Implementation of Support Services for Tourism Development of the Entire Area”, we were developing the offer of heritage points, prepared the contents and printed out a bilingual brochure with a presentation of the round tourist area. Workshops were information-educational, and were available to anyone who was interested. They were held individually on the field. Participants obtained a comprehensive knowledge on the aforementioned fields.

Project: Summer in The Heart of Slovenia
Year of implementation: 
Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia
Partner: Rus Homestead, Lukovica
Project description: The Development Centre Litija supported the project Festival Summer in the Heart of Slovenia, which was held on the Rus homestead in Šentvid pri Lukovici. Within the framework of the festival, various workshops for children, theme-based lectures, theatrical performances and interesting music evenings were held.

Project: Young Project Managers of the Heart of Slovenia
Project duration: 
2008 – 2010
Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia
Project description: Under the mentorship of the Development Centre Litija, a section of young project managers was established, which consisted of youth from the area of The Heart of Slovenia. In 2009, it prepared the first collective project and successfully applied it to the tender of LAS The Heart of Slovenia.

Project: Operation of the VEM Entry Point – “One Stop Shop” in Litija, Grosuplje and Domžale
Project duration: 
2007 – 2011
JAPTI – Public Agency for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments
Project description: VEM supports implementation of complete support services for potential entrepreneurs, youth, students, support institutions, and all others interested at local level. Services include: informing, basic consulting, performing procedures of registrations as well as changes for independent contractors (IC) and companies with limited liability (LLC), implementing the counselling voucher programme and training at local level.

Project: Fairy Tale Curious Sparrow Čivi in The Heart of Slovenia
Project duration: 
2009 – 2010
Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Kamnik, Lukovica, Moravče, Zagorje, Radeče
Project description: Within the scope of the project group, the Development Centre Litija chose the author Darinka Kobal, who prepared stories on the topic of 9 places (8 municipalities) in the Heart of Slovenia. The book was published by the Modrijan Publishing House, which carries out the distribution through Slovenia, and illustrated by Alenka Vuk. It is intended for children in 4th grade of Primary School as a preparation for the subject of Social Sciences, for they can learn something new about GEOSS (the geometric centre of Slovenia) and experience new things in the places around it, i.e. in the Heart of Slovenia.

Project: Presentation of the Area of The Heart of Slovenia at the Tourism and Free Time Fair in Ljubljana
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2009 – 2011
 Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Kamnik, Lukovica, Moravče, Domžale
Project description: A Collective presentation of the area of the Heart of Slovenia at the largest tourism fair called Tourism and Free Time. Over three years more than 320 performing artist, entrepreneurs, tourism workers, societies and other individuals performed over four days of the fair under the collective trademark The Heart of Slovenia. We managed to connect 25 different organisations, which showed the pulse of cultural and natural heritage at the fair as well as cuisine and healthy lifestyle in the Heart of Slovenia. Tourism tenderers from nine municipalities of the Heart of Slovenia participated in the presentation at the fair.

Project: Signposts into The Heart of Slovenia – Countryside of The Heart of Slovenia Presents Itself
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2008 – 2009
 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food
Project description: Within the framework of this project, which was financed from Leader funds, the inventarization of the offer was carried out, a calendar of the events in the area for the years 2009 and 2010 was made as well as a presentation catalogue of the countryside, which contains a presentation of tourist sights, catering capacities, ecological farming, theme-based trails, etc. For presentation purposes, we made a promotional DVD and ensured entry of area offer into existing national tourism websites.

Project: Employment Fair
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Slovene Institute of Employment (ZRSZ)
Partners: ZRSZ OE Trbovlje, Employment Office Hrastnik, Litija, Trbovlje, and Zagorje
Project description: As a co-organizer of the fair, which was held in Litija, the Development Centre Litija offered to the employers and jobseekers a possibility of direct communication about enquiry on one side and offer on the other side. Approximately 1000 unemployed people and other visitors visited the fair. 25 employers and 9 support institutions collaborated. The RCL contributed to the unemployment reduction in the region, enabled a direct connection between the offer and enquiry in the labour market, and informed employers of the personnel offer.

Project: Purchase of Traffic Signs for the LUR Cycling Trails
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2007 – 2008
Project description: The RCL was chosen to implement the third phase of the project Cycling Trails LUR, which represent the regional network of cycling trails. The objective of the project was to prepare the contents, to design and make traffic signs as well as information boards for marking cycling trails and to make a promotional brochure for the promotion of the project.

Project: Directly from the Countryside – Online Offer of the Products from the Slovenian Countryside
Project duration / Year of implementation:
Ministry of Economy
Project description: With this project we set up quality, sustainable and active web contents on the website There the providers from the countryside from the pilot area of the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani are presented. This way we developed a new marketing channel, which directly connects customers with providers from the countryside. At the same time we stimulated active online participation of the countryside inhabitants.

Project: Regional Development Programme of Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia (strategic-programme and implementing part)
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2006 – 2007
Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia
Partners: Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Lukovica, Kamnik, Zagorje, and Radeče
Project description: As a basis for the preparation and implementation of collective projects of the sub-region, the Development Partnership of the Centre of Slovenia first prepared the strategic-programme part of the Regional Development Programme for the period 2007-2013. After that it also prepared a three-year implementation plan, which gives answers with its actual implementation projects to the possibilities that the European Regional Development Fund brings.

Project: Rural Development Programme Knocking on the Door of Heritage
Project duration / Year of implementation: 2005 – 2006
 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food (MKGP)
Partners: Municipalities of Kamnik, Komenda, Trzin, Lukovica, Dol pri Ljubljani, Moravče, Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji
Project description: The MKGP invited applications for funds for the completion of the existing countryside development programmes (RPP), thus aiming to lay the foundations for local action groups for the Leader axis implementation. We completed the RPP programme titled Knocking of the Door of Heritage for the shortlisted area of 8 municipalities, carried out 11 different theme-based workshops for local agents, managed the entire project coordination, did public presentations in the local media, and wrote a letter of intent on the establishment of LAS. The results of the project were used when establishing Local Action Group The Heart of Slovenia in 2007.

Project: Regional Assessment of Places and Schools within the Project “My Country – Beautiful and Hospitable”
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2005 – 2006
Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Zagorje, Trbovlje, Hrastnik, and Radeče
Project description: In the project of Slovenia Tourist Board (STB) titled »My Country – Beautiful and Hospitable«, the RCL participated as a coordinator of regional assessment of places and schools in the municipalities of Zasavje in the years 2005 and 2006. The assessment in the categories medium-sized places, small-sized places, other places, hilly places, hiking places, tourist places, primary schools, and secondary schools was carried out by a six-member board. It ended by handing in the final report to the STB, which carries out the assessment at national level.

Project: Development of Intellectual Infrastructure within the Project “Following the Heritage Trails”
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Agency of the Republic Slovenia for Regional Development
Partners: Municipalities of Kamnik, Komenda, Trzin, Domžale, Lukovica, Dol pri Ljubljani, Moravče, Litija, and Šmartno pri Litiji
Project description: The Development Centre Litija implemented the project called Development of Intellectual Infrastructure within the existing project “Following the Heritage Trails”. Partner municipalities were collaborating on the project, which included organisation of different theme-based workshops for several target groups, organisation of professional excursion and round-table discussions, creation of the manual of the entire graphic image of the project Knocking on the Door of Heritage as well as creation of information and explanatory boards for selected heritage points in these municipalities.

Project: Country Developmental Core Jarina
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2004 – 2011
Partners: Municipalities of Kamnik, Lukovica, Moravče, Trzin, Dol pri Ljubljani, Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji
Project description: The Rural Developmental Cooperative Jarina, z.o.o., which started operating in the autumn of 2004 at the initiative of the RCL, was one of the 10 operating country developmental cores in Slovenia. Its purpose was professional education, developing quality products and stable marketing paths, connecting producers, and creating job positions in the countryside. With its activities in the area of 7 partner municipalities east of Ljubljana and 3 municipalities of Zasavje, Jarina encouraged development of entrepreneurial thinking in the countryside and helped potential entrepreneurs in the development of their business idea and preparation for operation. With its professional operation in collaboration with other partners, it implemented activities which improve the quality of the countryside.

Project: Training of Local Tourist Guides
Project duration / Year of implementation:
 2004 – 2006
RCR Zagorje
Partners: Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Zagorje, Trbovlje, Hrastnik, and Radeče
Project description: The RCL organised three series of trainings lasting several days for the acquisition of the local tourist guide licence, and trained 64 guides. Some of them participated in the implementation of tourism programme of the cooperative Jarina.

Project: Countryside Development Programme in the Municipalities of the Sava Plain and Posavje Hills 2004-2008 and Development of the Trademark Knocking on the Door of Heritage
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food (MKGP)
Partners: Municipalities of Kamnik, Komenda, Trzin, Domžale, Lukovica, Dol pri Ljubljani, Moravče, Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Zagorje, Trbovlje, Hrastnik, and Radeče
Project description: In collaboration with local coordinators of the municipalities of the Sava Plain and Posavje Hills, the RCL made a countryside programme with a set of various implementation projects in three places as well as the first marketing product of the area – Following the Heritage Trails. As a regional network of natural and cultural sights and additional tourist services, it includes 44 selected heritage points, which make a visitor’s stay interesting and varied.

Project: Zasavje Regional Development Programme – Tourism Field
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 RCR Zagorje
Partners: Municipalities of Zagorje, Trbovlje, Hrastnik
Project description: As a professional partner in the field of tourism, the RCL collaborated in the creation of the regional development document for Zasavje municipalities Hrastnik, Trbovlje and Zagorje ob Savi.

Project: Development of Tourism Products as a Part of the Trademark the Posavje Hills – Cycling, Equestrian, and Hiking Trails
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2002 – 2006
 Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji, Dol pri Ljubljani, Zagorje, Trbovlje, Hrastnik, and Radeče
Project description: Under the collective trademark the Posavje Hills and the motto Hills and Valleys for Recreational Desire, the RCL developed three tourism-recreational products: cycling, equestrian, and hiking trails. The products were created in collaboration with representatives of various societies and other local agents of seven municipalities. After fieldwork, we published brochures and promotional materials. Each product consists of a network of stakeholders – checkpoints on trails (there are 66 of them), where visitors can have a snack, and stamp their brochures. A special strategic document was made for the development of tourism in the area under the trademark the Posavje Hills – tourism development strategy, where tourism tenderers and societies from the area actively participated.

Project: Regional Entrepreneurial Forums for Primary School Students
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2001 – 2004
Sun d.o.o.
Project description: In the period 2001 – 2004, the Development Centre Litija organised four regional entrepreneurial forums to mark the end of a yearly implementation of entrepreneurial extracurricular activities at primary schools. Participating mentors and pupils presented themselves and exchanged experience which they obtained through the implementation of extracurricular activities.


Project: Entrepreneurial catalog
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Lukovica
Project description: 
The Heart of Slovenia Development Center has prepared a catalog for the Municipality of Lukovica, in which all interested entrepreneurs from this municipality are presented. The purpose of the catalog is for locals to get to know local entrepreneurs even more and to cooperate with them, thus supporting the local economy.

Project: Meetings with entrepreneurs and farmers from the Municipality of Lukovica
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2019 – 2020
Municipality of Lukovica
Project description: 
Development Center organized two meetings for the Municipality of Lukovica, with entrepreneurs and farmers. The purpose of the meetings was to help the Municipality formulate a new strategy of financial support for the development of entrepreneurship and agriculture in the programming period 2021 – 2027.

Project: Introduction of participatory budgeting in Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
September – December 2019
 Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: 
Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia helped the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani to implement the first participatory budgeting, which the locals named “Tailored to the Locals”, in which locals propose and vote on projects of their choice, which are then actually implemented by the Municipality next year. It also participated later in the selection process itself.

Project: Local Development Programme (LRP) Creation of the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Municipality of Ivančna Gorica
Project description: The LRP was designed as a document with strategic and implementation work, and represents a basis for further work of the municipality of Ivančna Gorica and other stakeholders who operate in this local area. In the strategic part of the programme, an analysis of the condition was made as well as a vision, the SWOT analysis and development goals were defined. The implementation part of the programme consists of the main programmes and projects with all the necessary data for implementation. Before the creation of the LRP, the centre prepared numerous meetings and workshops with local agents from Ivančna Gorica.

Project: Foundations for Cultural Heritage Protection 
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Partner: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKD RS)
Project description: A suggestion was made for a collective agreement of the proclamation of cultural monuments in Dol pri Ljubljani as well as a brief manual for the cultural heritage management. We also established a close collaboration with the ZVKD RS, and activated a procedure of proclamation of cultural monuments in the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani.

Project: Open Broadband Network Plan in the Municipality of Litija
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Municipality of Litija
Project description: The RCL made a development plan for an open broadband network of electronic communications in the municipality of Litija, which defines areas where end-users need to be given access to the open broadband network of electronic communications and evaluation of the needs of end-users. The objective of this project was to assure all the citizens the access to the broadband backbone network. The development plan was also a part of tender documentation of the public tender for the selection of contractors of construction, management, and maintenance of the open broadband network of electronic communications in the municipality of Litija. 

Project: Gift Basket Directly from the Countryside
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani, Partizan Dolsko Sports Society
Partner: Jarina z.o.o.
Project description: The purpose of the project was the implementation of the gift programme, which connects farm products from the countryside into a collective product, i.e. the basket Directly from the Countryside.

Project: Brochure “Calendar of Events” in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani for the Year 2008
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: The objective of this project was to design a promotional brochure with a calendar of events for the year 2008.

Project: Tourist Map of the Municipality of Litija
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Municipality of Litija
Project description: In addition to cartographic presentation with tourist offer of the municipality of Litija on the first page and the map of the area of the Heart of Slovenia on the second page, we presented the municipality and other important touristic points descriptively as well as graphically. Tips for trips or adventures, which include sights worth seeing, increase the usefulness of the map. The map gives access to tourist information.

Project: Tourism Development Strategy in the Municipality of Litija
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Litija
Project description: We identified tourism potentials in the document (overview of natural and cultural resources and entrepreneurial initiatives) and together with tourism “agents” prepared development directions, an organisational model and a set of potential projects which would establish tourism infrastructure and offer in the municipality. The document was made in the period of spatial planning, that is why it served as an argument for changes of use of space, related to tourism development. Preparation of the strategy caused development movement by including relevant stakeholders and caused preparation of tourist investment projects as well.

Project: Vega’s Trail
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2007 – 2009
Municipalities of Dol pri Ljubljani, Moravče
Project description: With this project we aim to establish additional tourist offer of the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani, which builds its name on Jurij Vega. Among other activities, Vega’s Trail, which starts in Dolsko, goes past Zagorica and ends in Moravče, was established, embedded in space, and marked. A development plan of Vega’s Trail was also made, which represents a basis for the further project development of contents along this trail.

Project: Open Door Farms
Project duration / Year of implementation:
 2007 – 2010
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: With this project we connected 27 farmers, gardeners, apiarists, fruit growers, and other tenderers from the countryside in the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani with the purpose of mutual promotion and effective marketing. A brochure was made as well as guiding and sign boards, business cards for individual tenderers, mutual presentation at home fairs, training for the use of the website, numerous promotional announcements, etc.

Project: Coordination of Implementation of the Fairs in the Land of Jurij Vega
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2007 – 2011
 Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: The Development Centre Litija collaborated in the development of the contents and coordination of the Spring and Autumn fairs, which became two central events in the so-called Land of Jurij Vega. Coordination of both fairs included organization of meetings with participating societies and farmers, who presented themselves at the fair, preparation of records of the meetings, contents for the media as well as formal solutions for the fairs, rental of the stands and evaluation activities.

Project: Overall Image of Marking in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2007 – 2009
 Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project Description: With the overall image of marking, which includes a manual of graphic image of marking in the area of Dol pri Ljubljani, we developed a comprehensive marking system, which we upgraded by placing guiding and information boards for public infrastructure, inns, farms, touristic points, and companies.

Project: Tourism Development Strategy in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani for the 2007-2013 Period
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: Based on workshops and interviews with tourism agents, a tourism development strategy was made for the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani, which includes condition analysis and actual implementation projects, representing a basis for the operation of the municipality and all the tourism agents in this area.

Project: Development and Promotion of the Trademark the Land of Jurij Vega
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2006 – 2009
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: After the tourism development strategy of the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani, a vision followed to present the events in the municipality to the public under the trademark the Land of Jurij Vega. Development Centre Litija announced a competition for the creation of a logotype, and in the end also prepared a solution – the final logotype on the basis of outline plans. The logotype was used in all the promotional brochures, which were published for the promotion of the Land of Jurij Vega, promotional publications in the magazines and media, at fairs, etc.

Project: Tourism Leaflet of the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: In 2006, a tourism leaflet of the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani was made, which takes a traveller through the most important sights of the area and gives them key information about the municipality.

Project: Local Development Programme of the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani 2007-2013
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2005 – 2007
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: The Local Development Programme (LRP) is a document which presents condition analysis, vision, goals, and the main areas of operation of the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani in the 2007-2013 programme period. In the implementation part of the programme, it defines concrete projects, which represent a basis for the work of the municipality and other local agents in the programme period of time up to 2013.

Project: Introductory Phase of the CRPOV Project in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani for the Settlement Senožeti
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Partner: Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
Project description: The RCL cooperated in the project as a professional partner. The main objective of the project was to engage local inhabitants to commit themselves to help develop their villages, and analyse the area and its tourism potentials. The introductory phase of the CRPOV project was implemented for the settlement Senožeti.
Contact person: Aleksandra Gradišek

Project: Countryside in the Festive Town
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
2002 – 2016
Municipality of Litija
Project description: Each year at the end of December right before Christmas, in collaboration with local societies the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia organises an event in the old town centre of Litija called Countryside in the Festive Town. It has been so since 2002. Providers of home products from the countryside of the municipality of Litija as well as other municipalities present themselves with their stands and in the cultural programme numerous artists perform. In the years 2006 and 2007, we prepared a street gallery of nativity scene. We were also responsible for ornamentation and the entire promotion of the event.

Project: Local Development Programme of the Municipalities of Litija and Šmartno pri Litiji 2002-2006
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
 Municipality of Litija
Partners: Municipalities of Litija, Šmartno pri Litiji
Project description: The Development Centre Litija participated in the project as a professional partner for the preparation and evaluation of development programmes. The purpose of the project was to establish programme and institutional foundations for the formation of proportionate development policy in two municipalities, to define programmes and projects for the implementation of local structural policy, and to ensure the basis for incorporation into regional development programmes. The document consists of strategic and implementation part with 10 main goals, 33 sub-goals, 16 programmes, and 76 projects.

Project: Implementation of Entrepreneurial Extracurricular Activities for Primary School Pupils
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
1999 – 2005
SUN d. o. o., included municipalities
Partners: Municipalities of Litija, OOZ Litija, primary schools Litija, Gradec…
Project description: The purpose of the project, where the RCL collaborated as a coordinator and contractor, was for the primary school pupils to get acquainted with the concept of entrepreneurship, to get to know fundamental elements of a business plan, and to present selected projects of entrepreneurial groups, and thus encouraging group work of primary school pupils, teaching entrepreneurial behaviour, and directly raising children’s self-confidence. The outcome of the project was an organised form of education in the Central Slovenia region and Zasavje region. More than 49 entrepreneurial extracurricular activities were carried out and 639 primary school pupils participated.

Project: Integral Tourism and Cultural Development of Vače with GEOSS
Project duration / Year of implementation: 
Slovene Institute of Employment (ZRSZ)
Project description: The object of the project was to ensure conditions for stimulative, integral development work in the field of tourism and cultural marketing of Vače with GEOSS through several specific goals, namely by: integrating unemployed people into programmes of public work with the goal to go into self-employment, employment as well as special forms of employment, and conducting market analysis for the project area. The project resulted in improved competitive capability of unemployed people, integral connection of various partners, and establishment of information support environment in Vače.

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